Friday, March 25, 2011

food that horses like to eat

horses like lots of thing but the main things that horses eat are ...
~some types of weed-dont give your horse a weed that you dont know enything about it posion for your horse
and lots more. Be carful what you give a horse if you are wondering why it is because if a horse has some thing it never had before it can twist it stomic and also dont give a horse water after you go for a long walk and the horse is pufted out it can twist a horses stomic as well if that does happen your horse mit get sweaty so you should get a bucket of water and a cloth your horse would be laying down on the ground because it cant stand the pain so get the cloth put it in water and put it on your horses fae it should carm down your horse keep on doing it there will be no time that you can stop. A.A
i like horses because you dont no what they can do they are amazing creature when you get right down to it to me they are intresting because ever day you learn more and more about them A.A

Thursday, March 24, 2011

the wildlife of horses

Are you into horse?
If you are into horses or have a test about them or somethimg and you need some information about horses then you should read this blog it wont give you to much information and i will answer eny question you are wondering about but the only thing i will say for now is my opinion and a bit of facts...
i think horses are amazing creatures you will never know what they will do the love vegys and hay espelly grass thats all i can say for now but i will do some facts later. A.A